Lola Ortega, light, form, space Lola Ortega creates landscapes which are forms that draw the space, reducing the gesture expressive details of color, or to the planning of the area, seeking the use of austere in the capacity has reaffirmed the mystery. Research the Determination of existing mental space in which programtica invencin intervenes, from an elegant mind, sensitive and spiritual. He is interested in mental elucubracin interior point, permitindose looking abroad, to travs of landscapes that have references, but they are invented. Nothing is real, everything is for the inner reality that really exists. In ahque translate fields, landscapes, flowers, vegetation, abstract compositions where the predominant, also the star king and the lighting of the light. Is a creator who sits on the sensitivity of the moment, delving into the same, with reference to what his eye but his heart is more allde interprets the concrete. In ahque be formalistic, in the aspect of integrated development of the singular part exists, but also intensely experiential. Self-taught, is a poet of the moment, because it seeks the maximum effectiveness of the moment, but, without abusing the designer. In fact his attitude is that of a painter who softens the existence, looking for different intensities, without allowing licenses surface that exposes its fragility. Determination of ahque transform in quiet observation, connecting with the universal harmony travs of the elements of nature. Stages the light, meaning light against darkness, ie the role of knowledge source. But his concept of light versatiliza enough to make it available to the projection of the form, located in space. Thus his vision of light travs the coordinated estsiempre binomial form-space. Thus reaches an equilibrium in which what matters is not what it represents, but the background shows through and MSAN, hiding its true meaning: the ability vibration and the need to overcome the excessive sea conceptuacin rich. Joan Llus Forestry International Association of criticism of Arts